- (人)の発言{はつげん}に真摯{しんし}に耳を傾ける
listen sincerely to what someone says 意味
- "listen quietly to the appeal" 意味
- "listen raptly to" 意味
- "listen secretly to" 意味
- "listen seriously to the voices of the people" 意味
- "listen sincerely to the voices of the people" 意味
- "listen stealthily to" 意味
- "listen sympathetically" 意味
- "listen through a stethoscope" 意味
- "listen to" 意味
- "listen seriously to the voices of the people" 意味
- "listen sincerely to the voices of the people" 意味
- "listen stealthily to" 意味
- "listen sympathetically" 意味